Sterilu farmaceitisko risinājumu nodrošinātājs

Folijas pildīšanas procesa ieviešana

Flakons ir trauks, ko plaši izmanto antibiotikām un injicējamiem medikamentiem. Tās galvenais materiāls ir stikls vai plastmasa. Tā kā sagatavošanas, iegādes un lietošanas procesā ir nepieciešama augsta tīrība un stabilitāte, lai nodrošinātu produkta kvalitāti, ir nepieciešami īpaši ražošanas procesi. Šajā rakstā iepazīstināsim ar flakonu pildīšanas ražošanas procesu.


First of all, the preparation materials of vials should comply with relevant specifications, and care should be taken not to leave impurities and defects during the preparation process. Then carry out pre-treatment before filling, including bottle washing, sterilization, sealing, inscription and other steps.

Bottle washing refers to the removal of impurities and residues attached to the bottle, with the purpose of eliminating pollution sources and impurities during the filling process. The vial bottle washing equipment is usually a fully automatic spray bottle washing machine, which can wash the bottle multiple times under relatively high speed conditions. Using hot water up to 75°C and specific cleaning agents, the washing machine goes through different washing zones to clean the bottles. Especially in the case of protecting the application equipment using expensive high-efficiency cleaning agents to ensure that there is no residue in the bottle. In addition, the washing of the bottles should take into account the cleanliness of the filling area to prevent bacterial contamination.

flakonu pildīšanas mašīnas

Sterilization is to kill all microbial contamination in the bottle, usually using high heat sterilization (121°C, 20 minutes), or it can be done by using separate ultraviolet rays and gas residual detection. After the above method is sterilized, Bottles can be tested to ensure they are free of bacteria or other contamination. The exterior should be sterilized along the same path.

Sealing refers to blocking the mouth of the bottle with an aluminum cap or a silicone cap to prevent contamination during the filling process. The aluminum cap is deep stamped from aluminum so that it fits securely in the mouth of the bottle. It prevents potential snagging problems during filling and seals without twisting or deforming. In addition, the silicone cap forms a vacuum chamber near the mouth of the bottle by eccentric centrifugal force. This technology ensures that the pressure of the isolation bottle and the progressive compression bottle are equal, thus preventing bottom leakage and pumping during the filling process.

Finally, after completing the preparations before filling, the bottles need to be dispensed. In subpackages, sealed bottles should be sorted according to the production inventory, the optimal number of units for organic grouping. This classification method is usually based on the stability of the fluid in the bottle to ensure the quality of the product under different filling conditions.

In short, the vial filling production process needs to strictly follow the relevant standards to ensure the quality and stability of the product. The pre-treatment before filling includes steps such as bottle washing, sterilization, sealing, etc. After filling, sub-packaging is also required. The strict implementation of these process requirements is an important step to ensure the quality and safety of drugs.