Sterilu farmaceitisko risinājumu nodrošinātājs

Farmācijas maisītājs

Farmācijas maisītājs

▶ Maisīšana ir darbības process, kurā ārējo spēku (gravitācijas un mehāniskā spēka u. c.) ietekmē mainās materiāla ātrums un virziens, lai katra komponenta daļiņas varētu vienmērīgi sadalīties. To sauc arī par homogenizācijas procesu.


1. Ievads

  • Classification: according to mixing movement mode, powder mixer is divided into V-type mixer, two-position mixer, three-dimensional mixer and double-cone mixer.
  • Pharmaceutical Mixer can be used to mix solid particles and powder, particles and particles, powder and powder in pharmaceutical production. It has the advantages of good mixing effect, no cross pollution and dust pollution. It fully meets the GMP requirements of pharmaceutical production, and realizes the function of on-line material distribution.
  • The mixer adopts PLC and frequency conversion speed regulation to realize program control, and the performance is stable and reliable.

2. Veiktspēja

  • Mixing Time: 15~30min/ batch (depending on specific material);
  • Loading Factor: barrel volume * (40-80%);
  • Suitable Ambient Temperature: normal working ambient air temperature is 5 ℃ ~ 40 ℃;
  • Applicable Environmental Humidity: when ambient temperature is 40 ℃, relative humidity of the working environment does not exceed 95%, and higher humidity is allowed at lower temperatures (for example, when ambient temperature is 20 ℃, relative humidity of the working environment does not exceed 90%).