Sterile pharma filling total solution provider

Argentina ampula va flakon ishlab chiqarish liniyasi loyihasi

Farmatsevtika sanoati


Ampoule Line & Vial Powder Line for Washing Sterilizing & Drying, Filling & Sealing 
Ampoule filling line and vial powder filling line use the same washing machine and drying machine
Ampoule size: 1ml,2ml,3ml,5ml,10ml,20ml 
Capacity: 2ml , 10000pcs/h 
Vial size: 10ml, 20ml, 35ml 
Capacity: 10ml , 6000pcs/h 
Equipment Composition (6 sets in total): washing machine+hot air circulation sterilization tunnel + ampoule filling and sealing machine +powder Filling & sealing machine+capping machine+labeling machine