Steril farmatsevtika provayderi

Kompaniya yangiliklari

Marya Cleanroom Cargoes Sent to Ecuador

Marya Cleanroom Cargoes Sent to Ecuador

The cleanroom air conditioning unit of Ecuador pharmaceutical factory was successfully shipped at the end of May 2024. The client’s team went to the factory in mid-May for pre-shipment factory acceptance testing (FAT) to test AHU performance and it passed successfully. This is an important milestone in demonstrating that the performance of cleanroom air conditioning […]

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Ethiopian pharmaceutical cleanroom project completed

Efiopiya farmatsevtika toza xona loyihasi tugallandi

Shanghai Marya successfully completed the cleanroom turnkey project of Ethiopia Veterinary Drug Factory 1. Brief introduction On March 8, 2024, Shanghai Marya team successfully completed the cleanroom turnkey project of Ethiopia Veterinary Drug Factory and won high praise from the client. This is a recognition of our professional competence and excellent service, and one of

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Tanzaniya farmatsevtika toza xona loyihasi tugallandi

Tanzaniya farmatsevtika toza xona loyihasi tugallandi

Brief introduction The cleanroom project in Tanzania was successfully completed on 7th February 2024. The project was well received by our client and a group photo was taken on site. It was approved by Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan and aims to improve the health of the local population, reduce dependence on imported medicines and

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Marya Uganda’s Vaccine Cleanroom Project Starts Construction

Marya Ugandaning Vaktsinani tozalash xonasi loyihasi qurilishni boshlaydi

We are pleased to announce the commencement of the Uganda Veterinary Vaccine Cleanroom Turnkey Project by Shanghai Marya on March 20, 2024. This initiative is currently nurtured at the Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) as part of the institute’s business incubation program and is a great breakthrough in Uganda’s biopharmaceutical industry.

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Tanzaniya vitse-prezidenti Marya Pharmaceutical EPC loyihasiga tashrif buyurdi

Tanzaniya vitse-prezidenti Marya Pharmaceutical EPC loyihasiga tashrif buyurdi

On October 26, 2023, Vice President Philip Mpango made a special trip to inspect the MSD pharmaceutical EPC project undertaken by Marya to further improve Tanzania’s health public utilities, strengthen the national self-sufficiency of medical products, and alleviate the shortage of public health resources in Tanzania as soon as possible. The entourage includes more than

Tanzaniya vitse-prezidenti Marya Pharmaceutical EPC loyihasiga tashrif buyurdi Read More »

Zimbabvelik mijozning FAT uchun Marya zavodiga tashrifi

Zimbabvelik mijozning FAT uchun Marya zavodiga tashrifi

From October 10th to 18th, 2023, the CEO, Product R & D Manager, Biosafety Officer and Technical Director of Zimbabwe National Biotechnology Administration (NBA) visited Shanghai Marya Pharmaceutical Engineering & Project Co., Ltd. to perform factory acceptance test (FAT). During the FAT, they mainly accept the whole line of human vaccine vial liquid, including the

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Shanxay Marya AllPacK Indoneziyada ishtirok etdi

Shanxay Marya AllPacK Indoneziyada ishtirok etdi

On October 11, 2023, AllPacK Indonesia was grandly unveiled at the Jakarta International Expo in Indonesia. Shanghai Marya was invited to participate in this exhibition, focusing on showcasing pharmaceutical filling lines and cleanrooms, enhancing our brand awareness in the Indonesian market. 1.Exhibition Introduction AllPacK Indonesia, organized by KRISTA EXHIBIONS, is the largest packaging machinery exhibition in

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Malaysian Client's Visit to Marya's Pharmaceutical Machinery Factory

Malayziyalik mijozning Marya farmatsevtika mashinalari zavodiga tashrifi

1.Introduction In June 2023, a Malaysian client came to Marya’s pharmaceutical machinery factory for inspection. The purpose of this visit was to conduct the pre-FAT inspection on the quality, function and performance of their purchased syringe filling machine with isolator and plunger rod screwing labeling machine from us. Marya’s General Manager and director accompanied the

Malayziyalik mijozning Marya farmatsevtika mashinalari zavodiga tashrifi Read More »

Misrlik mijozning Maryaning toza xona zavodiga tashrifi

Misrlik mijozning Maryaning toza xona zavodiga tashrifi

1.Introduction In June 2023, Egyptian client came to visit and inspected Marya’s cleanroom factory. The main purpose of this visit is to inspect the ordered cleanroom materials, equipment and water chiller. And Marya’s cleanroom technical director accompanied the chairman and communicated with him about the cleanroom project process. 2.Client’ s Background Since its establishment, the

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