Steril farmatsevtika provayderi

Uganda toza xonani kalit topshirish loyihasi

Ushbu mijoz hayvonlarga qarshi vaktsinalar ishlab chiqarish bilan shug'ullanuvchi biofarmatsevtika kompaniyasidir. Xitoyning toza xona muhandislik sanoatida yetakchi ishlab chiqaruvchi va yetkazib beruvchi sifatida Marya hayvonlarga qarshi emlash xonalarini qurishda juda boy tajribaga ega.

Industry: Biopharmaceuticals
Clean room area: about 900 square meters
Cleanliness level: Class C+D
Product: Direct expansion machine HVAC engineering, electrical engineering, decoration engineering, and the whole cleanroom turnkey projects

This project is an expansion work, total area about 1,700 square meters. We have provided materials for the clean room decoration, clean room equipment and also go to the customer site for construction and installation. The clean room materials and equipment include clean room doors, windows and accessories, pass box, interlocking system for doors, etc.