Sterile pharma filling total solution provider


上海玛雅参加印度尼西亚 AllPacK 会议

上海玛雅参加印度尼西亚 AllPacK 会议

On October 11, 2023, AllPacK Indonesia was grandly unveiled at the Jakarta International Expo in Indonesia. Shanghai Marya was invited to participate in this exhibition, focusing on showcasing pharmaceutical filling lines and cleanrooms, enhancing our brand awareness in the Indonesian market. 1.Exhibition Introduction AllPacK Indonesia, organized by KRISTA EXHIBIONS, is the largest packaging machinery exhibition in

上海玛雅参加印度尼西亚 AllPacK 会议 阅读更多 "



1.Introduction In June 2023, a Malaysian client came to Marya’s pharmaceutical machinery factory for inspection. The purpose of this visit was to conduct the pre-FAT inspection on the quality, function and performance of their purchased syringe filling machine with isolator and plunger rod screwing labeling machine from us. Marya’s General Manager and director accompanied the

马来西亚客户参观玛雅制药机械厂 阅读更多 "